Just a quick update on PKG's "Knit Nights," our monthly meet up to discuss our thoughts and experiences on racism and other social justice issues in the knitting community.
First, we now want to call this meet up Conscious Conversations. This reflects what we want to promote and what we strive to do. For knitters who are engaged in social media, who use Ravelry, who go to yarn shops, who...well, knit, we set aside a night each month to allow both members and non-members to share thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Second, we have a new meeting time and place. Please join us the last Monday each month, 6:30 to 8:30 at New Seasons Seven Corners cafe. So, if you've been wanting to talk in person with other knitters who have been following Ravelry's news, discovering or wanting to support more BIPOC knitters, and just want to self-reflect through conversation about race, gender, personal politics, and more with other knitters, please come. :)
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From member Anna Manayan:
A support group has started for the Master Knitter Program Level 1 by TKGA (The Knitting Guild Association). A table at the Puddletown monthly guild meeting is set up for our enrollees to meet at 6pm, before the regular guild meeting. The purpose of the support group is to offer encouragement, support and accountability for those enrolled in this awesome program. TKGA started the Master Knitter program in 1987 as a means to help educate knitters to improve their skills. You do not need to have any goal of teaching or designing; just the simple goal of taking your knitting to the next level. Specific goals and criteria were created by TKGA that include knitting swatches, answering questions and completing a couple of projects. Level 1 has a time completion of one year. It includes 19 swatches, 4 gauge worksheets, 22 questions, a mitten, references that serve as a guild for your future knitting library, and questions and answers about blocking. Your work is sent to a designated committee member from TKGA for review. There is no limit during the year of your enrollment on the number of swatches you can do or re-do if needed. A few members have completed the entire Master Knitting Program, Level 1, 2 & 3. In speaking with them, they have all said that the program has taken their knitting to the next level! How wonderful that is to improve our confidence and skill as knitters so that we can take on those projects that we dream of! You can enroll anytime for Level 1’s one year program; however, how nice it would be to enroll now so that we can all begin together. Go to TKGA’s site to join here https://tkga.org/membership/ Once you join you will receive an email giving you login information. Once you log in, you can then enroll in the level 1 program. You can then print the 33 page instruction sheet for the course and bring it along with your “swatch” in progress at the next guild meeting. Besides our guild as support, Puddletown has a ravelry group to facilitate this program for our members as well as TKGA, which has an official ravelry group for the course. I am looking forward to sharing the enthusiasm of embracing this course with our Puddletown Guild members! |
August 2024
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