by Elaine Marcus Anna Lorton, president, welcomed all attendees, in person and remote via Zoom. She presented an acknowledgment of the indigenous stewards of the land on which we meet. Eileen Silva, the outgoing service project coordinator, presented the service project for this year, the North by Northeast Community Health Center. The Community Care Director, Sharettta Butcher-Watson, joining us over Zoom, gave a history of the health center and an overview of its services. She expressed the deep appreciation of the handmade gifts their clients have received from us in previous years. The outgoing 2024 PKG Board members were thanked and the incoming 2025 Board members were introduced. Announcement made that the Communications director position on the Board still needs to be filled. If interested, contact the guild at [email protected]. Anna presented a State of the Guild report.
Julie Dolson, volunteer coordinator, invited members to volunteer at meetings. Specifically looking for people willing to help at one or two meetings a year (or more frequently, if interested) with the following:
Anna requested people to share their ideas for speakers at the meetings. Looking for people to discuss specific topics. Currently on the search for someone to discuss Stranded Colorwork. Send ideas to [email protected]. January Member tip: Joanne Tustison, VP of PKG presented on use of “lifelines” in knitting. Program: January speaker was Jennifer Simonic, cofounder of Loose Ends. This is an organization of needlework/ textile volunteers who are able to complete projects started by loved ones who are no longer able to finish them due to death or disability. Their website is The organization is international, and has completed thousands of projects. Jennifer shared photos of projects, volunteers and recipients.
Show and tell was held and the raffle prizes were distributed. Pop up shop at January Meeting was Hook and Needle, a yarn store in Vancouver Washington, focussed on both crochet and knitting.
by lyric apted This month's popup was JaMpdx with Jenn and Meghan (it was Meghan's birthday, so Sioux wished her happy). Sioux opened with PKG's mission statement and then made the acknowledgment of the land we are gathering on as traditionally stewarded by indigenous peoples since time immemorial. There was a slide explaining how to use the Chat and Q&A in Zoom for virtual attendees. Virtual social knitting starts at 5:40 and ends at 6:40pm before member meetings. Sioux asked members to let the board know if the virtual social knitting should continue, as there doesn't seem to be a lot of attendance. Early Bird membership dues are $30 until January 1st! Join or renew online. Scholarships and gift memberships are available. Keep an eye out for a new website. The new site will have a members only section, including recordings, forums, and member renewal. Current members will get notified and told how to get into the new site's members section. Got an idea for a speaker? Please contact [email protected] with your suggestions, The Treasurer reports there is approximately $8700 in the bank. Full financials can be found on the PKG webpage (here: Financials). Sioux mentioned that the Communications chair remains open. The board really needs help filling this role. Even if you can only do part of the tasks, the board is happy to accommodate. Please contact if interested in volunteering. Volunteers are always needed for a variety of jobs. Please email [email protected] and let us know how you might help! Kimberly was on the Help Desk. We could use a second person to assist and/or serve as backup. (See volunteer email address above). Since Anna is going to be our president come 2025, other people are needed for the member tips. If you don't want to record something, your tip idea could be presented by someone else. Even one sentence tips are acceptable. Please contact with your suggestions. Ellen gave the Service Project report. The final count for Rose Haven was 337 items and they were so thrilled with all the knitted and crocheted hats, scarves, etc. North by Northeast Community Clinic is the service focus for 2025. More warm things will be needed, including larger hats to fit over bigger hairstyles. Ellen shared a story of giving some dishcloths to them to use in their Thanksgiving packages and the heartfelt thank you note that came from one of the recipients about how thrilled they were to get such a lovely handmade gift. Member Tips was from Ellen as well. Her tip is to make small stuffed creatures with left over yarn from a project to store the yarn for future repairs. She suggest these simple knitting and crochet patterns as examples of the kind of thing she uses: The speaker of the month was Elizabeth Okeyele-Olatunji who generously joined the meeting at 4AM her time in Lagos, Nigeria to talk about 20 Fun Ways to Get the Creative Juices Flowing! Elizabeth has been teaching crochet for 12 years and always finds spending time with children to boost her creative mind. She talked about many other things including traveling, being in nature, even decluttering your workspace can help. She cited The Creative Family: How to Encourage Imagination and Nurture Family Connections by Amanda Blake Soule as one place sh e researched as well as Creative Hour on Spotify (and if you need help decluttering, try this site). At the end of the talk, Elizabeth asked us to share ideas of our own that help us shake loose our creativity.
Show and Tell followed with several shawls and sweaters and one very blinged out support chicken who came by before she was sent off to NY. Since it was Sioux's last meeting as the president, a few of the board members thanked her for her wonderful job running the PKG board in 2024. Anna was also thanked for her upcoming work in 2025 as the new president. Next Month's speaker will be Jen Simonic of Loose Ends. A movement to help finish projects lift undone by illness or death. Hook & Needle will be the popup. by Michelle Myers After a brief pause (due to technical difficulties), the meeting was called to order at 7:04pm. The meeting was held at RCPPC’s basement and Zoom. There were 50+ people in attendance, and 43 online. Sioux Van Kol made the acknowledgment of the land we are gathering on as traditionally stewarded by indigenous peoples since time immemorial. November is Native American Heritage month. Early Bird membership dues are $30! Join or renew online. Scholarships and gift memberships are available. November marks the 7th birthday of PKG! There was a slide explaining how to use the Chat and Q&A in Zoom for virtual attendees. Social Knitting starts at 5:40 and ends at 6:40pm before member meetings. Lori Patterson brought her beautiful hand dyed creations (aka Abstract Fibers) to the meeting. She has been dyeing wool since 2013. Volunteers are always needed for a variety of jobs. Please email [email protected] and let us know how you might help! Kimberly was on the Help Desk. We could use a second person to assist and/or serve as backup. (See volunteer email address above) Got an idea for a speaker? Please contact [email protected] with your suggestions, The Treasurer reports we have approximately $8000 in the bank. Full financials can be found on the PKG webpage (here: Financials). Sioux brought members’ attention to the board candidates for next year. (Please refer to the November newsletter for pictures and positions.) There was a quorum of members present, so a voice vote was held and an online poll on Zoom; all of the candidates were voted in for 2025! (However, the Communications chair remains open. Please contact if interested in volunteering) Judy gave the Service Project report. Rose Haven continues to be thrilled with all the knitted and crocheted hats, scarves, etc. (Larger hats are welcome to fit over dreadlocks, btw.) North by Northeast Community Clinic is the service focus for 2025. Anna won a Ravelry pattern (worth up to $12) for her social media tagging #Cowlapalooza. The winner of the Grand Prize will be announced shortly. Member Tips with Anna – Anna taught us how to use yarn or thread to make stitch markers. She used her fingers as well as a crochet hook to make the loops. Use contrasting colors and leave them on a long thread and snip them as you need them. When used, weave in the longer ends. That way the marker will stay even if the work is set down. Since Anna will be serving as president next year, we’ll need someone to organize and/or serve Member Tips. Visible Mending is a creative way to extend the life of clothing and household items while embellishing them for a unique look. Kira Dulaney of Kira K Designs is a pattern designer, teacher, and lifelong crafter who enjoys extending the life of both handmade and commercial textiles. Kira began crocheting at age 3. She teaches, develops patterns and pattern kits. Kira showed us how to repair holes, threadbare elbows and how to cover stains with visible (embroidery) mending. More information can be found on her website – and she has an extensive YouTube playlist. You can download her slides below: ![]()
Show & Tell:
Deb modeled a sweater – got the pattern at a yarn crawl Katie wore her Clapotis ‘24 shawl/wrap and knitted it in the recommended yarn. Debbie wore her Clover sweater. Donna had on her Lovebirds sweater. Kathy had on Go Go by Stephen West. Lauri wore Vertices Unite, also by Stephen West. Joann modeled the Tin Can Knits’ Flax with beautiful modifications to the pattern on the sleeves. Eric wore Ume by Whipple. Shetland Wool Advanced Vol. 1 and 3 skeins of Unicorn Yarn were raffled off. CHANGE: Please note our December meeting will be hybrid, not solely on line as advertised before, because Elizabeth Okeyele Olatunji will be our featured speaker. We will also be hosting Jam Pdx’s pop up shop. The meeting ended at 8:15pm. October 2024 Meeting Recap: Member Tips and Travels in the Knitting World with Shelia January10/11/2024 by Michelle Myers September 15 – October 15 was recognized as Hispanic Heritage month. Sioux Van Kol made the acknowledgment of the land we are gathering on as traditionally stewarded by indigenous peoples since time immemorial. Members were informed that the Board has openings: V.P., Treasurer, and Secretary. Communications and Events’ chairs will also be vacant. Please consider volunteering for a spot to keep the guild running smoothly. Membership dues are half off until the end of the month - $17.50! Early bird prices will be coming soon. Join are renew on the website. The raffle prizes were a spooky member made project bag and Eat Knit Dye self-striping sock yarn with PKG swag. Craft Emporium and Knitted Wit pop-ups were in the back of the room for shopping. Weekly Virtual Knit Nights have been discontinued for want of a host. If youi are interested, please email [email protected]. Virtual Knitting before the monthly meetings will continue as long as there is interest and a host. Thank you, Lori Patterson, for hosting so far! Since Lori has a popup before the Nov meeting, we will need a host for that night. Please email [email protected] if interested. Programs ([email protected]) is always open to presentation suggestions. The Treasurer reported that our bank balance is just under $9000. The Guild wants YOU to consider being the next guild president! Start with a year as Veep, then transition to president in 2026. The list of candidates for upcoming board spots will be sent via newsletter. Voting will take place at the November meeting. For more information, see Article Viii of the guild’s bylaws. Meeting volunteers are needed to set up and put away chairs and tables, registration, meeting assistance, A/V support, the help desk, and to monitor the zoom chat. If you are interested please write to Seth Richardson [email protected]. Volunteers are needed to staff the PKG table at Sacred Sheep, Nov. 1-3. You will receive an entry ticket. Seth, our volunteer chair, can answer questions you may have. Service project! Soap sacks for hurricane victims in North Carolina and other places. The machine knit pattern is available on Ravelry (Susan’s soap sliver sacks) and at Contact Kim Karr, 304 Wild Geese Way, Travelers Rest, SC 29690 or by email at [email protected] to deliver. COWLAPALOOZA!! Please knit or crochet cowls for Rose Haven and share your creations on the PKG Ravelry community board and/or Instagram with the hashtag #PKGCowlabunga (posts will also be considered for a prize). Judy Anderson will be managing collecting the cowls – don’t forget when you drop them off to write down how many & your name so you can be considered for a prize. Of course, hats, mittens, gloves, scarves are always welcome! The deadline for donations is the November guild mtg. In the New Year the Guild is looking for as many “member tips” as possible. Please consider signing up to share your tip for one month or two, or even the whole year! [email protected] Shelia January was our featured speaker, Travels in the Knitting World. She shared many stories about her adventures around the world. Show and Tell had many beautiful creations from our members at the meeting.
Next month: Visible Mending with Kira Dulaney AND Abstract Fiber pop up! by Michelle Myers In person and virtual program began at 7:06 pm and there was no entry to the in person meeting after 7:00 pm. There were 9 full tables with approximately 35 people in attendance, including St. John’s Weird Sister’s Yarn pop up. Lori Patterson of Abstract Fiber and Yarn managed the pre-meeting Zoom attendees during social knitting. Sioux Van Kol made the acknowledgment of the land we are gathering on as traditionally stewarded by indigenous peoples since time immemorial. Our business members were highlighted and all members are encouraged to support them! Members were informed that the Board has openings: V.P., Treasurer, and Secretary. Communications and Events’ chairs will also be vacant. Please consider volunteering for a spot to keep the guild running smoothly. Membership dues are half off until the end of the yr - $17.50! Meeting volunteers are needed to set up and put away chairs and tables, registration, meeting assistance, A/V support, the help desk, and to monitor the zoom chat. If you are interested please write to Seth Richardson [email protected]. Seth is our volunteer chair and he can answer questions you may have. Virtual Knit Nights are every Monday from 6-8 pm Pacific Time. Knit and chat from the comfort of your home, pajamas are encouraged. Go to the website at and Guild Events and click on the date to join the group. Field Trip! On October 5 members will be visiting Alpacas of Oregon (Sherwood). It will be an opportunity to visit the animals, tour the mill, and stop for coffee & fellowship after the tour. Cost is $15 (please bring cash). Please RSVP to [email protected]. More info is here. The Guild currently has approx. $9,000 in the bank. Full financials can be found on the PKG webpage ( here: Financials). PKG will have a table at Oregon Flock & Fiber Festival (OFFF), Saturday 9am – 5pm, and Sunday from 9am – 4pm at the Linn County Fairgrounds, Sept. 21-22. Please contact Seth [email protected]. if you are interested in a shift on either day. Service project! COWLAPALOOZA!! Please knit or crochet cowls for Rose Haven and share your creations on the PKG Ravelry community board and/or Instagram with the hashtag #PKGCowlabunga. Judy Anderson will be managing collecting the cowls – don’t forget when you drop them off to write down how many & your name so you can be considered for a prize. Of course, hats, mittens, gloves, scarves are always welcome! Elaine Marcus shared an AWESOME member tip – use a cord lock (like found on outerwear) to stop your needles! These can be found at a fabric store like JoAnn’s for much cheaper than “specialty stoppers” found on line. Kate Perry explained different sweater types and shared many slides with examples (raglan, drop shoulder, saddle shoulder, yoked, and set in sleeve) and pattern names. You can download a copy below: ![]()
Michelle Myers (me!) displayed her blue ribbon winning Emotional Support Chicken and
Selbu style mittens, and a Goldwing sweater by Jennifer Steingass that took second place at the Clackamas County Fair. Show & Tell: Field sweater, Color Affection shawl, Maitailan, ArisDay, a self designed sweater, and a self designed dress, Catch A Firefly mittens, Nutrino, an emotional support chicken, and more. It is always such fun to see member creations! Next month’s meeting will feature Loyce Ericson, “How to Make Felted Buttons.” Meeting business adjourned at 7:50pm and members were encouraged to visit various stations to be measured, receive pattern help, and/or project help. by Michelle Myers The meeting was held on line due to the excessive heat Portland has had this week. Social knitting was managed by Lori Patterson. Attendees said it was a LOT of fun! The meeting was brought to order at 7:01pm by Sioux Van Kol. Sioux acknowledged the land we gather on as traditionally stewarded by indigenous peoples since time immemorial. Sioux explained our new policy regarding shifting general meetings to virtual when the weather is prohibitive, or we have public health concerns, or we don’t have enough volunteers to run the meeting in person. Membership dues are half off - $17! Renew today! Raffle prizes for this meeting: $25 gift certificate to Oregon Flock and Fiber (OFFF) in September, and $25 gift certificate to Sunny Day Fibers. Mondays are virtual social knitting days 6-8pm! Click in and enjoy the fun! We currently have about $11,000 in our bank account. Specifics can be found on the PKG website… More -> About -> Finances If you have ideas for guest speakers, please contact Misty Pacific. Volunteers: Volunteers are always needed to set up our general meetings, attend community events, and help as needed. We could really use a web designer to attend to our online presence. The Hollywood Fun Fest at RCPPC Aug. 17 from 10am – 1pm; volunteers needed to get the word out about PKG. We could use volunteers to work a table at OFFF Sept. 21-22. Please contact Seth if you are interested in helping at either event! We have a field trip planned October 5 to Alpacas of Oregon! $15 gets you in, meet the alpacas, and explore some of the yarn on site. After our tour we will stop and get coffee at a local café. RSVP on our events page. Judy reported on Service Committee’s current focus… CowlABunga!!! Sue and Heidi from Oregon Flock & Fiber Festival talked about the festival. OFFF has updates on their social media (FB and Insta) pages, as well as their Ravelry group. Although Albany (the site of the festival) is only about an hour away from Portland, ride sharing is encouraged. Workshop registration is open until August 25. If a class doesn’t fill it may be canceled, so look at the catalog and sign up! Attendees can meet the animals that provide the beautiful yarns we work with – this year’s focus is on Angora goats. There will be 100+ vendors on site, Sept. 21 9am – 5pm, Sept. 22 9am – 4pm. Please consider entering one of your beautiful handicrafts in the Artisan Gallery. Sue will be at Starlight Knitting Sept. 13 from 6-8pm to look over something you may want to enter. Entry fee to the Gallery is $3 per item. Good luck! Anna’s Tip – how to cast on a small number of stitches and close the hole made (for example at the top of a lacy hat) using a tapestry needle and yarn… so clever! Our special guest, Nan Palmer then began her presentation. Nan Palmer is a Certified Yoga Therapist at Abiding Yoga Therapy. Nan let us know that, “The goal for this presentation is to teach you some breathing techniques, some easy stretches, and take you to a place of balanced energy at the end of our practice.” Nan led us through breathing, sitting tall, rounding the spine (undulating), “waving” the spine, then Octopus fingers, wrists, and shoulders, squeezing the “sit upon” (buttock) muscles, squats, shaking out our hips, then gentle centering… Namaste! Nan also mentioned the use of small flexible balls, like those use in Pilates (spree balls) as an aide to your practice. She also left Sioux with a supply of small balls for hands; they’ll be distributed at our next general meeting! Next general meeting, September 12 at 7pm – SWEATER CAST ON! Members will be available to measure you for a sweater that fits ;)
The meeting closed at 8pm. by Michelle Myers July 11, 2024 The meeting was held online only due to the excessive heat Portland has had this week. Social knitting beforehand was managed by Lori Patterson. Attendees said it was a LOT of fun! The meeting was brought to order at 7:01pm by Sioux Van Kol. Sioux acknowledged the land we gather on as traditionally stewarded by indigenous peoples since time immemorial. Our business members were highlighted and all members are encouraged to support them! Membership dues are half off - $17.50! Renew today! The raffle prizes were supplied by our guest speaker, Britt Garber (one of her crochet patterns) and a Weird Sisters’ gift certificate. Attendees were provided a link to enter the raffle and winners will be contacted by Sunday, July 14. If you have ideas for guest speakers, please contact Misty Pacific at [email protected]. Volunteers: Volunteers are always needed to set up our general meetings, attend community events, and help as needed. We could really use a web designer to develop a new website with more member features. The Hollywood Fun Fest at RCPPC Aug. 17 from 10am – 1pm; volunteers needed to “get the word out” about PKG. Please contact Seth at [email protected] if you are interested! We currently have about $11,000 in our bank account. Specifics can be found on the PKG website… More -> About -> Finances Tomorrow night PKG will attend Newsies at Overlook Park, 1599 N Fremont St, Portland, OR 97227 (7:30pm). Meet members of Puddletown before the movie starts at dusk. Bring camp chairs, picnic blankets, snacks, drinks, and knitting! This is a free community event open to the public, so look for our sandwich board to find us, as well as Kate’s purple straw hat. Anna shared her Member Tip for this month – using a small project bag to keep wool and other hot yarns off your body as you knit. Britt Garber is the owner and creator of Knot Bad Britt. Britt has been a crochet designer since 2020 when she made a blanket for her daughter. She started looking for BIPOC designers because “no one looked like me.” Eventually, she stumbled upon the work of Toni Lipsey.. Hoping to increase knowledge of designers & makers, Britt took it upon herself to organize a database of BIPOC knit, crochet, and other fiber artists. (Find the directory here) She is working with a team from Vogue in conjunction with Diversity Advisory Council. Britt has been overwhelmed at the response for test crocheters of her designs! Her goal is to amplify the beauty of crochet in the craft world while uplifting BIPOC makers/designers in the industry. We makers can support such efforts by consciously buying supplies from BIPOC businesses, donating time and money, as well as edifying our family and friends. Britt answered questions, then thanked us for hosting her before signing off. Next month’s speaker will be Nan Palmer, “Pieces of Quiet: The Link between Yoga and Knitting.”
The meeting was adjourned at 7:56pm. by Michelle Myers June 13, 2024 RCPPC basement In person and virtual program began at 7:10 pm and there was no entry after 7:00 pm. There were 9 full tables with approximately 45 people in attendance, including our featured speaker, Sue King of Big Timber Alpacas near Sherwood (Oregon). Lori Patterson of Abstract Fiber and Yarn managed the pre-meeting Zoom attendees during social knitting. Sioux Van Kol made the acknowledgment of the land we are gathering on as traditionally stewarded by indigenous peoples since time immemorial. Our business members were highlighted and all members are encouraged to support them! Membership dues will be half off next month - $17! Service project challenges will resume in the fall, but any items are always accepted. Brooklyn Tweed is having a reception & sale June 20 @ 6:30pm. Be prepared for a show and tell! Bring or wear anything you’ve made with a Brooklyn Tweed pattern or yarn, and be ready to show it off. There will also be a marketplace, and guild members in attendance will be able to shop with a friends and family discount. Non alcoholic beverages and hors d’oeuvres will be served. Please RSVP ASAP as spots are filling up quickly! The movie Newsies will be playing in Overlook Park (1599 NE Fremont) July 12. Members are encouraged to attend with a chair, snacks, and of course, your WIPs. Tumalo Fibers is looking for people to test knit and/or crochet new patterns. Interested members should email [email protected]. Meeting volunteers are needed to set up and put away chairs and tables, registration, meeting assistance, A/V support, the help desk, and to monitor the zoom chat. If you are interested please write to Seth Richardson [email protected]. Seth is our volunteer chair and he can answer questions you may have. Virtual Knit Nights are every Monday from 6-8 pm Pacific Time. Knit and chat from the comfort of your home, pajamas are encouraged. Go to the website at and Guild Events and click on the date to join the group. Anna’s Tips this month focused on moths. Her wonderful, humorous presentation included moth identification, how to keep your stash and FO safe from infestation, and what to do if you need to eradicate moths from your yarn. (btw, essential oils and cedar blocks do nothing to prevent moths, and moth balls can be highly toxic.) The best way to remain proactive is to vacuum frequently! Sue King was introduced. Sue has a passion for the Suri alpacas and operates Big Timber Alpacas, an internationally known Suri alpaca farm near Sherwood, OR, with over 40 Suri alpacas. In addition, Sue is a weaver in her Big Timber Weaving Studio using Suri alpaca and other natural fibers in her woven projects. Her power point presentation was full of info about Suri alpacas; their wool, their behaviors, and how she got into raising these animals. Suri alpaca and its fine, lustrous soft fiber. Sue showed samples of Suri yarn and Huacaya yarn (the other alpaca breed) and its end products. Hopefully this discussion will encourage you to experiment with the wonders of Suri alpaca yarn in your knitting projects. Sue had skeins for sale, dyed and natural.
Show and Tell:
Next month’s speaker will be Britt Garber. Britt has been a crochet designer since 2020. She specializes in advanced beginner designs that are easy to memorize and exemplify the joy of crochet. Her goal is to amplify the beauty of crochet in the craft world while uplifting BIPOC makers/designers in the industry. When she isn't designing, Britt is a stay at home mother, raising her three children in the Pacific Northwest. The meeting adjourned at 8pm By Shela Perrin Guest Speaker: Emily Lymm: The Psychology of Color: Color Theory for Makers In person meeting at Rose City Park Presbyterian Church located at 1907 NE 45th Avenue, Portland, Oregon. Doors opened at 6:00pm for social knitting. In person and virtual program began at 7:00 pm and there was no entry after 7:00pm. In person attendance is limited to 75 people so you must RSVP online to save a seat. Masks are recommended but not required. To be accessible to everyone we will continue to have a virtual format. Meeting volunteers are needed to set up and put away chairs and tables. Also registration assistance, A/V support, the help desk, and to monitor the zoom chat. If you are interested please write to [email protected]. Seth Richardson is our volunteer chair and he can answer any questions you may have. Social Knitting Opportunity: Zoom participants polled said YES to social knitting time before the monthly meetings. We are in need of a host -- is this YOU? Duties are light! Please email [email protected] if interested. Sunny Day Fiber and Emily Lymm of Wool and Palette Naturally Dyed Yarn both had a pop-up shop from 6 - 7pm. May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month and Jewish Heritage Month. Sioux opened the meeting respectfully acknowledging the land we are gathering on as traditionally stewarded by indigenous people since time immemorial. Puddletown Knitters Guild recently updated our mission statement and it has been filed with the State of Oregon. Following is our new mission statement: Our mission is to promote a diverse community of knitters of all abilities, to support local fiber providers and artists from farm to needles, to model respect for the local fiber community by actively valuing their time and expertise. We welcome all fiber crafters regardless of race, color, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, socio-economic status, neurodivergence, and/or disability. We aim to create a community that is inclusive, diverse, and accessible by promoting anti-racism, equity, equality, and justice. Virtual Knit Nights are every Monday from 6-8pm Pacific Time. Knit and chat from the comfort of your home, pajamas are encouraged. Go to the website at and Guild Events and click on the current date to join the group. Raffle Prizes for this meeting are a $25.00 gift certificate to Hook & Needle and a $25.00 gift certificate to Brooklyn Tweed. 2024 Membership - Annual membership is $35.00 for the calendar year. Join or renew online after you have attended a couple of meetings. Email [email protected] or visit our website at To make our Guild more accessible, no questions asked scholarships and gift memberships are available. To donate towards a membership, buy a gift membership, or receive a scholarship simply send an email to [email protected]. Topic ideas - if you know of any upcoming fiber events or have a guild speaker or topic idea, please email those to [email protected]. Treasury Report - we currently have ~$12,000.00 in our bank account. You can go to the website to view the full treasury report at under About Us and Finances. If you have questions please email [email protected]. Introducing Julie Karen’s capstone project for her Masters Degree at Oregon State University. The survey can be found at You can email Julie at [email protected] if you are interested in a phone interview. Thank you for your participation. World Wide Knit in Public Day is Saturday June 8, 2024. We will be knitting at IKEA from 10am tho 1pm. Please join us. Puddletown Knitters Guild will be visiting Brooklyn Tweed on June 20th at 6:30 pm. We will meet at 128 NE 7th Avenue, Portland, Oregon. Meet Jared and Luigi and get a behind the scenes look at Brooklyn Tweed: New Yarn lines and patterns, see all the Brooklyn Tweed yarn lines in person, Q&A session, Show and Tell, Marketplace with a friends and family discount for guild members, and non-alcoholic beverages and hors d’oeuvres will be served. RSVP to [email protected] as space is limited. The Service Project for Mothers Day has been a resounding success. All 286 items have been delivered to Rose Haven just in time to be distributed for their Mothers Day event. Thank you to all 29 who participated. Rose Haven is overjoyed with the quality and number of wonderful accessories received. The next project will be shared at the end of summer so knit for yourself 'til then. First prize ($25.00 gift certificate) went to PKG business member Jane. Second prize (yarn) went to Kate. Bonus prize ($25.00 JamPDX gift certificate) went to Melanie. Member Tips with Anna - when and how to get the curl out of your cable cords. Heat water and immerse ONLY the cord into the hot water in a tub. If the curl does not release try keeping it in the hot water longer or put in hotter water. For your Metal needles you can scrub with soap and water, rinse dry and hang. Guest Speaker Emily Lymm-speaking about the psychology of color and how we can approach our choices of color in our work as makers. She is a Graphic Designer by profession and now produces naturally dyed yarn under the Wool and Palette label. She explores vibrant unique colors made with regenerative, non-superwash wool. She grows, gathers, and harvests dye plants. She uses only preferred wool from sheep that have been treated responsibly and raised with a progressive approach to land management. She partners with Shaniko Wool Company for 100% Merino/Rembouillet yarn for her dyeing. Her talk centered around the way we all gravitate towards certain colors. Color forcasting is crucial for the fashion industry. She discussed the origin of color, Indie dyers, and shops in different regions of the country. The color wheel theory, hue, saturation, value, and temperature. Depending on the value of the color it can be cool or hot. It’s all about the balance when picking your palette. Complementary, monochromatic, split complementary, triadic, or tetradic. Contrast is key, use a variety of shades, limit the number of bright bold tones. She suggests to choose a dominant color and a contrasting color. You can you download for free the color guide she mentioned during her presentation by subscribing to her email list here.
Show and Tell: We had a variety of items shown, all lovely and beautifully made. Next Month, June 13th at 7pm (Hybrid Meeting) Sue King of Big Timber Alpacas will present Knitting with Suri alpaca. ![]() by Michelle Myers Doors opened at 6:00pm for social knitting and “book shopping.” Participants received a ticket for each donated book. There were four long tables filled with books and pattern booklets! At 6:45pm all members were encouraged to pick a book, regardless of they’d made a donation or not. Leftover books, etc were donated to Disco Fibers (business member). In person and virtual program began at 7:00 pm and there was no entry at the in person venue after 7:00 pm. There were 9 full tables with approximately 45 people in attendance, including a new business member – Hook & Needle of Vancouver! Meeting volunteers are needed to set up and put away chairs and tables, registration, meeting assistance, A/V support, the help desk, and to monitor the zoom chat. If you are interested please write to Seth Richardson at [email protected]. Seth is our volunteer chair and he can answer questions you may have. Virtual Knit Nights are every Monday from 6-8 pm Pacific Time. Knit and chat from the comfort of your home, pajamas are encouraged. Go to the website at and Guild Events and click on the date to join the group. Sioux Van Kol made the acknowledgment of the land we are gathering on as traditionally stewarded by indigenous peoples since time immemorial. Our business members were highlighted and all members are encouraged to support them! Treasury Report: We currently have just over $12,000 in the bank. A full treasury Report is available on our website under About Us and Finances. If you have questions please email [email protected]. Sioux conducted a Zoom poll for virtual members – Would you be interested in on line social knitting 6-6:50pm? Results TBA. Ellen Silva (and Judy) spoke about our Rose Haven project. After a slow start we have about 200+ knitted hats, mittens, scarves, et al to distribute for Rose Haven’s guests Mothers Day celebration! WELL DONE! Guild members interested in helping distribute items on Mothers Day should contact Judy at [email protected] Knit for Food – PKG members who participated raised $2,595 for the charity, and world wide 7,000+ people raised just over $379,000 for Feeding America, World Central Kitchen, No Kid Hungry, and Meals on Wheels. Gathering of the Guilds will be held April 19-21, 2024 Volunteers are needed to hand out postcards, answer questions about the guild, and demo knitting. PKG needs volunteers Friday April 19, 1-4pm, 4-7pm and Sunday April 21 10am – 1pm, 1-4pm. Interested? Please contact Seth [email protected] and indicate your shift preferences. Anna Lorton – Member Tips “Running Stitch Markers” Virtual speaker, Safiyyah Talley, The Drunk Knitter - Two at a Time Socks! Socks two at a time is essentially knitting one long tube. The cuff is knit in 1x1 rib loosely then knit to the placement of scrap yarn for an afterthought heel (also known as a peasant heel), more knitting, then placement of scrap yarn for the second cuff. Details can be found in her book, Knit 2 Socks in 1 is available via Amazon and at other book stores. Show and Tell included several beautiful items including a Salty Air tee by Samantha Guerin, a vest – pattern by Alasdair Post-Quinn, a quilted jacket, a 2024 Rose City Mystery Knit Along shawl, a Hurricane Ridge pullover by Allison Griffth, and Fleegle heel socks.
Raffle winners were announced and the meeting was ended at 8.10pm Next guild meeting’s speaker is Emily Lymm who will present “The Psychology of Color: Color Theory for Makers" on May 9, 2024 at 7pm |
January 2025
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