by lyric apted This month's popup was JaMpdx with Jenn and Meghan (it was Meghan's birthday, so Sioux wished her happy). Sioux opened with PKG's mission statement and then made the acknowledgment of the land we are gathering on as traditionally stewarded by indigenous peoples since time immemorial. There was a slide explaining how to use the Chat and Q&A in Zoom for virtual attendees. Virtual social knitting starts at 5:40 and ends at 6:40pm before member meetings. Sioux asked members to let the board know if the virtual social knitting should continue, as there doesn't seem to be a lot of attendance. Early Bird membership dues are $30 until January 1st! Join or renew online. Scholarships and gift memberships are available. Keep an eye out for a new website. The new site will have a members only section, including recordings, forums, and member renewal. Current members will get notified and told how to get into the new site's members section. Got an idea for a speaker? Please contact [email protected] with your suggestions, The Treasurer reports there is approximately $8700 in the bank. Full financials can be found on the PKG webpage (here: Financials). Sioux mentioned that the Communications chair remains open. The board really needs help filling this role. Even if you can only do part of the tasks, the board is happy to accommodate. Please contact if interested in volunteering. Volunteers are always needed for a variety of jobs. Please email [email protected] and let us know how you might help! Kimberly was on the Help Desk. We could use a second person to assist and/or serve as backup. (See volunteer email address above). Since Anna is going to be our president come 2025, other people are needed for the member tips. If you don't want to record something, your tip idea could be presented by someone else. Even one sentence tips are acceptable. Please contact with your suggestions. Ellen gave the Service Project report. The final count for Rose Haven was 337 items and they were so thrilled with all the knitted and crocheted hats, scarves, etc. North by Northeast Community Clinic is the service focus for 2025. More warm things will be needed, including larger hats to fit over bigger hairstyles. Ellen shared a story of giving some dishcloths to them to use in their Thanksgiving packages and the heartfelt thank you note that came from one of the recipients about how thrilled they were to get such a lovely handmade gift. Member Tips was from Ellen as well. Her tip is to make small stuffed creatures with left over yarn from a project to store the yarn for future repairs. She suggest these simple knitting and crochet patterns as examples of the kind of thing she uses: The speaker of the month was Elizabeth Okeyele-Olatunji who generously joined the meeting at 4AM her time in Lagos, Nigeria to talk about 20 Fun Ways to Get the Creative Juices Flowing! Elizabeth has been teaching crochet for 12 years and always finds spending time with children to boost her creative mind. She talked about many other things including traveling, being in nature, even decluttering your workspace can help. She cited The Creative Family: How to Encourage Imagination and Nurture Family Connections by Amanda Blake Soule as one place sh e researched as well as Creative Hour on Spotify (and if you need help decluttering, try this site). At the end of the talk, Elizabeth asked us to share ideas of our own that help us shake loose our creativity.
Show and Tell followed with several shawls and sweaters and one very blinged out support chicken who came by before she was sent off to NY. Since it was Sioux's last meeting as the president, a few of the board members thanked her for her wonderful job running the PKG board in 2024. Anna was also thanked for her upcoming work in 2025 as the new president. Next Month's speaker will be Jen Simonic of Loose Ends. A movement to help finish projects lift undone by illness or death. Hook & Needle will be the popup.
January 2025
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